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CDLHN - California Distance Learning Health Network
 Online News

New CD-ROM Available! .Spanish for the Healthcare Workplace (Intermediate).

Spanish for the Healthcare Workplace (Intermediate)is a follow-up to the highly popular beginning course, containing over 350 phrases and over 300 individual words.    04/10/2003

CDLHN honored at SDSU Foundation.s 60th Anniversary Celebration

On March 28, 2003 the California Distance Learning Health Network, along with other Foundation organizations, was honored for its accomplishments in the field of public health at the SDSU Foundation.s 60th Anniversary Celebration.    04/10/2003

Learn the latest Smallpox Vaccination Basics with this instructional CD-ROM!

To help meet the critical need for smallpox vaccination information for America.s healthcare workforce, California health educators and emergency preparedness officials have teamed up in the production and release of this instructional CD-ROM   02/10/2003


Flu Season Campaign

CDLHN and the California Department of Health Services (CDHS) team up to launch an advertising campaign to raise flu immunization awareness.

Advertising for a Positive Change

August Campaign addressed the extended family structure of many African Americans and targeted grandmothers in particular, promoting them to immunize their young grandchildren.

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